

Now Boarding
design web
Project Info:

This is the website I re-designed for Nowboarding. A design studio located in Cape Town. It’s based on keywords with html5 animated airport sign looking typography.

For example you move your cursor to “Digital” section at the top, then the client names who gave and finalized a “Digital” work from Now Boarding will become blue. When you click one of them, you see the actual work. Or if you move any client at bottom then the types of work will change depending on where you move your cursor. If the agency did a “Guerilla” work, then “Guerilla” will be blue, if it is a “Branding” work there “Branding” will pop up. So you can view the type of work you are looking for. If you are interested in “Print” works, all you need to do is click on “Print”…

  • Client: Now Boarding
  • Country: South Africa
  • City: Cape Town
  • Agency: Now Boarding